Category: Physical Activity

Interval Training Dec10th 2020

Looking to Lose Weight? Try Interval Training

Interval Training Could be Just What You Need to Reach Your Weight Goals! Exercising at a steady rate simply won’t achieve the same results as interval training. Many people plug away at various workouts for an hour or more each day, several days a week, with minimal results. While interval training has been around for

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Stretching Nov20th 2020

Discover the Benefits of Stretching Today!

Did You Know Stretching Could Improve Your Overall Health? Can some simple physical motions dramatically improve your overall health, wellness, and quality of life? In the case of stretching, the answer is most definitely yes. Many folks beginning an exercise or physical therapy regimen are given a specific set of exercises, but these instructions don’t

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Athletic Activity Oct20th 2020

The Importance of Wearing the Correct Shoes During Athletic Activity

Are You Wearing the Proper Footwear? The squat is one of the primary exercises in strengthening the core. As renowned strength coach Mark Rippetoe notes the squat is one exercise that works those core muscles. From weekend warriors to pro athletes, those of us concerned about maintaining a high fitness level rely on a strong

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