Emily Kates
LAT, ATC, Staff Athletic Trainer

Emily Kates

graduated from Illinois State University with her Bachelor’s of Science in Athletic Training in 2020, and is a Certified and Licensed Athletic Trainer. Emily will be working with a variety of patients in our clinics around the Chicagoland area, as well as providing medical coverage at contracted high schools and sports clubs. Focusing on sports physical therapy as her career goal, Emily is excited and determined to further in education in this area while working with us.  “Therapy does not end when the athlete is released back into the game. It is an ongoing protocol where we need to focus on perfecting form in various drills to help prevent re-injury. I’m excited to be there for my athletes every step of the way to be back in their sport and better than ever!”
When she is not in the clinic, she is vigorously involved in the cheerleading industry as a Cheerleading Judge, where she travels in the U.S. and internationally to work with various programs to better their performance.