The relationship between core strength and balance is something that has been widely discussed within the physical therapy field for several years. Your trunk contains multiple core muscles that work to prevent physically limiting conditions, such injuries, lower back pain, or balance and gait disorders. When your core is strong, it helps keep you upright
Category: physicaltherapy
Treat Your Back and Neck Pain with Our Advanced PT Methods
Did you know that studies say approximately 90% of people will be plagued by back or neck pain at some point in their lives? While it is a common complaint, it can sometimes be difficult to determine where the pain is originating on your own. Sometimes pain in one area can travel to another part
You Need To Read This If You’re Depending On Opioids For Neck Pain Relief
If you’re like the millions of other Americans dealing with the misery of chronic pain day in and day out, you may feel like taking opioid medication is the only way to feel like a functional person. It’s hard to get your work done or enjoy your hobbies when you’re constantly plagued by pain. Trust