Category: Joint Pain

May20th 2022

Wondering How You Can Reduce Your Joint Pain and Improve Your Mobility? Try Physical Therapy

It’s true that as we all age, our joints very plainly are not what they used to be. Joint pain can occur for several reasons, such as a previous injury that has limited your motion or the general “wear and tear” of osteoarthritis that typically comes with age. Whatever the case may be, physical therapy

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Jan25th 2021

Osteoporosis: A Physical Therapy Perspective

Osteoporosis, a disease which causes gradual bone loss, affects as many as 15 to 20 million people in the United States and half of all American women over the age of 45.  It has been well documented that this occurrence of reduced bone mass leads to osteoporotic fractures. Many people think osteoporosis is only a

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Nov10th 2019

Always suffering from aches and pains in your joints? 3 Reasons to consider Physical Therapy!

There’s something oddly satisfying about waking up the morning after a hard workout and feeling a dull ache in your muscles. But when that dull ache migrates to your joints and seems to happen every day, that satisfaction quickly turns to frustration. The answer is not to take anti-inflammatory medication or simply ignore the aches

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